Everything you need to know about F$B Seasons and Wonders!

Friend$broker is a Business Simulation/Social game. The story of the game is unfolded through the adventures of Mr. Brian Wisepockets and The Zuper Pets' team, and takes place on the island of Brokeropia. Mr. Brian serves as the mayor of Brokeropia and representative of the game, while The Zuper Pets are the citizens of Brokeropia, aka the players of the game.


Friend$broker is divided into Seasons. Each Season lasts for more than 1 year, including Wonders. During a Season, players work on their economic development through bidding, owning and assigning works to other players, being owned and working for other players, collecting money and XP points and competing in the Hall of Fame ranks. Players can also socialize with other players through various features of the game (Pokes, Gifts, Wishlists and Chatting) and participate in Wonders.

Before the end of every Season, Mr. Brian Wisepockets announces the beginning of a new Wonder.


Wonders are events that take place in parallel to the game's regular mode. During a Wonder, players are called to participate in the making of a new building/landmark/environmental feature on the island of Brokeropia.

Participation in Wonders is optional and players can continue playing the game as per usual (bidding, buying other players etc.) without taking part in a Wonder. That said, Wonders are a very important essence of Friend$broker, as they boost a player’s progress in Weekly Events and give great rewards.

The completion of each Wonder marks the end of the corresponding Season. The winners of each Wonder are 2, the Architect (the person who completes the Wonder first) and the Overall Winner (the player who occupies the 1st position in the Overall rank when the Wonder is completed).

More info about the Architect and the Overall Winner can be found under the section “Wonder winners and rewards”.

Overview of Seasons and Wonders

Current season: Season 11

Number of Wonders made so far: 2(“F$B Weekly Tournament“, “Broker's Blue Collar Town”).

Wonder structure and duration

The duration of a Wonder depends on how fast players progress in the making of the Wonder. An approximate duration could be 6 months or more.There is no time limit as to when a Wonder will be completed, and Seasons will not end until a Wonder is completed.

How to evaluate your progress in a Wonder

The following HOF ranks are designed to help players keep track of their progress in creating a Wonder:


The Wonderful Architect Rank: Shows how much a player has progressed in completing a Wonder, i.e. how many levels of the Wonder they have completed. The Wonderful Progress rank can be found in the Hall Of Fame, by clicking on the 'Season' tab and choosing the name of the current Wonder/Season.

The player who manages to complete all 100 levels of a Wonder first (the Architect) is placed in the 1st position of the Wonderful Progress rank.

The Wonderful Progress rank is also one of the main ranks to award points to the Overall rank, and one of the two ranks to award points to the Reputation rank. When a Wonder is completed, the Wonderful Progress rank awards 1,500,000 Reputation points to each of the two winners, i.e. the Architect and the Overall Winner.

  • Finishing Position In A Wonder
  • Reputation Points Received
  • 1
  • 1500001
  • 2
  • 1381504
  • 3
  • 1303734
  • 4
  • 1246737
  • 5
  • 1202199
  • 10
  • 1066199
  • 20
  • 939303
  • 50
  • 790934
  • 100
  • 693773
  • 500
  • 512142
  • 1500
  • 416961

The Wonderful Achiever Rank: (formerly known as “Wonderful Points Rank”): Shows a player's point sum from the levels they have completed.

Each Wonder has 100 levels; in each level, players compete against each other on who will finish the level first, and the player who finishes a level first wins the most Wonderful Achiever points. All players, including those who finish a level last, receive an amount of Wonderful Achiever points for their Wonderful Achiever rank:

  • Finishing Position in a level
  • Wonder Archiever Points Received
  • 1
  • 10000
  • 2
  • 6725
  • 3
  • 5403
  • 4
  • 4664
  • 5
  • 4182
  • 10
  • 3065
  • 20
  • 2334
  • 50
  • 1707
  • 100
  • 1385
  • 500
  • 908
  • 1500
  • 704

These points are the same for every level of the Wonder, regardless of the level's cost.

The Wonderful Achiever rank is one of the main ranks that award points to the Overall rank.


The Wonderful Firestarter Rank: shows a player’s point sum from the Wonder levels they have started.

In each Wonder level, players compete against each other on who will start the level first, and the player who starts a level first wins the most Wonderful Firestarter points. All players, including those who start a level last, receive an amount of Wonderful Firestarter points for their Wonderful Firestarter rank:

The Wonderful Firestarter rank is one of the main ranks that award points to the Overall rank.

  • Starting Position per level
  • Wonder Firestarter Points Received
  • 1
  • 10000
  • 2
  • 6725
  • 3
  • 5403
  • 4
  • 4664
  • 5
  • 4182
  • 10
  • 3065
  • 20
  • 2334
  • 50
  • 1707
  • 100
  • 1385
  • 500
  • 908
  • 1500
  • 704

The Reputation Rank: Shows a player's position in all Friend$broker Seasons collectively, i.e the total amount of points that a player has managed to collect by participating in several F$B Seasons and Weekly Events. The Reputation rank is a key aspect of Friend$broker, as it combines a player's efforts and progress in every Season of the game

The Reputation rank receives points from each Season separately, based on a player's finishing position in the Wonderful Progress rank and in the Overall rank (see below). When a player (the Architect) completes a Wonder, all other players' positions in the Wonderful Progress rank and in the Overall rank (and in all the ranks listed in the HOF) freeze; the points they receive are the points they have collected until that very moment. These points are then added to their Reputation rank. The Reputation Rank appears in every Season in the HOF page.

Players can receive up to 2,500,000 points for their Reputation rank at the end of a Wonder, should they be both the Architect and the Overall Winner of a Wonder (i.e. if they finish all 100 levels of the Wonder first and occupy the 1st position in the Overall rank), and up to 100,000 points from the Weekly Event that takes place at the time.

All players, including those who finish the Wonder last, receive an amount of Reputation Points for their Reputation rank:

The Reputation rank is based on an eternal collection of points; it never gets zeroed out, and for this reason it becomes the ultimate pursuit for all players who participate in Wonders. This rank is visible in every Season, and its rates either show an increase or remain the same.


The Overall Rank: Shows a player's total progress during a specific season. This means that a player can be listed last in the Overall rank in Season 2 but first in Season 3, etc.

  • Finishing Position In A Wonder
  • Reputation Points Received
  • 1
  • 1000001
  • 2
  • 921003
  • 3
  • 869156
  • 4
  • 831158
  • 5
  • 801466
  • 10
  • 710799
  • 20
  • 626202
  • 50
  • 527289
  • 100
  • 462516
  • 500
  • 341428
  • 1500
  • 277974

In contrast to the Reputation rank, the Overall rank is unique for each Season, which means that its numbers get zeroed out when a new Season begins.

When a player completes a Wonder (the Architect), all players' positions in the Overall rank freeze, and the points they receive are based on their positions in the Overall rank during that moment. The same amount of points that players have collected in their Overall rank is then awarded to their Reputation rank.

The player who occupies the 1st position of the Overall Rank when a Wonder is completed receives 1,000,000 Reputation points.

Wonder winners and rewards

Every Wonder has 2 winners, which also become winners of the corresponding Season:


The Architect, i.e. the player who completes a Wonder first.


The Overall Winner, i.e. the player who occupies the 1st position in the Overall rank when a Wonder is completed.

The Architect and the Overall Winner are two equally strong achievements and for this they receive:

All active players win an amount of Blue Chips based on their positions in the HOF ranks (their total amount of points from all HOF ranks), thus positions:

'Your End of Season Blue Chips Reward' feature appears with every new Wonder in the HOF (under the 'Find your rank' button), to show players the amount of Blue Chips they can win based on their rankings at that specific time.

Wonderful Progress Points Reward Table 1/3
  Max BC Max BC Max BC Max BC Max BC Max BC Max BC Max BC  
  Overall RankWONDERful ArchitectWONDERful FirestarterWONDERful AchieverMost ExperiencedCurrent ValueTotal Amount of KeepsTotal Amount of Bids  
1 5000250040002000500100020001500 1
2 31561578252512623166311262947 2
3 235911801888944236472944708 3
4 19099541527763191382763573 4
5 16168081292646162323646485 5
6 14087041127563141282563423 6
7 12546271003501125251501376 7
8 1133567907453113227453340 8
9 1036518829415104207415311 9
10 95747876538396191383287 10
12 83341766633383167333250 12
15 70335256328170141281211 15
20 56528345222657113226170 20
25 4772393821914895191143 25
30 4162083331664283166125 30
35 3701852961483774148111 35
40 3351672681343367134100 40
45 306153245123316112392 45
50 283141226113285711385 50
75 2091041678321428363 75
100 168841346717346750 100
150 12462995012255037 150
200 10050804010204030 200
300 743759307153022 300
400 603048246122418 400
500 512540205102015 500
600 44223518491813 600
750 37193015471511 750
1000 3015241236129 1000
1500 22111892497 1500
Wonderful Progress Points Reward Table 2/3
  Max BC Max BC Max BC Max BC Max BC Max BC Max BC Max BC  
  Current Bids' Total ValueTotal Money Spent on GiftsFanciest Gift CardBadge PointsFamily XPTotal AbilityWishlistedBiggest Wallet  
1 100010002500100025030005001250 1
2 63163115786311581894316789 2
3 47247211804721181416236590 3
4 382382954382951145191477 4
5 32332380832381969162404 5
6 28228270428270845141352 6
7 25125162725163752125313 7
8 22722756722757680113283 8
9 20720751820752622104259 9
10 1911914781914857496239 10
12 1671674171674250083208 12
15 1411413521413542270176 15
20 1131132831132833957141 20
25 9595239952428648119 25
30 8383208832125042104 30
35 747418574192223793 35
40 676716767172013384 40
45 616115361151843177 45
50 575714157141702871 50
75 424210442101252152 75
100 3434843481011742 100
150 252562256741231 150
200 202050205601025 200
300 15153715444719 300
400 12123012336615 400
500 10102510330513 500
600 99229227411 600
750 7719722249 750
1000 6615621838 1000
1500 4411411326 1500
Wonderful Progress Points Reward Table 3/3
  Max BC Max BC Max BC Max BC  
  Max ValueWorks CompletedAssigned Works CompletedNewbie Pet Hunter  
1 5005005003000 1
2 3163163161894 2
3 2362362361416 3
4 1911911911145 4
5 162162162969 5
6 141141141845 6
7 125125125752 7
8 113113113680 8
9 104104104622 9
10 969696574 10
12 838383500 12
15 707070422 15
20 575757339 20
25 484848286 25
30 424242250 30
35 373737222 35
40 333333201 40
45 313131184 45
50 282828170 50
75 212121125 75
100 171717101 100
150 12121274 150
200 10101060 200
300 77744 300
400 66636 400
500 55530 500
600 44427 600
750 44422 750
1000 33318 1000
1500 22213 1500

Also, with the beginning of every new Season:

Some really important facts to keep in mind regarding winners and prizes:

A player can become the Architect AND the Overall winner of a Wonder if they manage to maintain a good strategy (more on that can be found under the section 'Wonder Tips').
The prizes awarded at the end of each Season may vary based on the economy of the Season and on the number of participants that each Wonder has.
Prizes are given to all active participants, i.e. players who have logged into the game during the last 15 days and who don't have deactivated accounts (whether deactivated by choice or automatically).

What happens after a Wonder/ Season is completed

When a Wonder is completed, the relevant Season is completed as well, and the rankings of the Season are listed in the 'Everlasting Zuperness' tab in the HOF. This category collects a player's ranking positions from all previous Seasons, including the Total Keeps rank, Total Bids rank, Badge XP rank, Total Ability rank and the Works Completed rank. Should a player achieve 5,000 Total Bids in Season 1 and 2,000 Total Bids in Season 2, the Total Bids rank in the Everlasting Zuperness category will demonstrate a total of 7,000 bids.

What about our accounts? Will they change with the Seasons?

A player's account is one and unique, therefore all actions (participating in the Wonder preparation, participating in the Wonder building and completion) will be filtered and applied through and on the existing accounts. Some of the features attached to the mechanisms of the Wonder will be separate for each Season, while the rest of them will remain stable. To make things a bit more clear;

What changes and what stays the same after the end of Season


Things that stay the same in every Season:

  • Blue Chip Amounts
  • Memberships
  • Personal details (photos - name - country - 'about me' section)
  • Account settings (username - email - password - message preferences)
  • Reputation Rank
  • Family
  • Blocked Pets
  • Messages
  • Cash: In the beginning of every new Season the economy of the game is adjusted to its initial numbers; the Exchange Rate returns to 1BC = 500 F$D, and all prices are divided by the same number that results to this Exchange Rate (all prices excluding those of gifts).

The same divisor is used to adjust a player's amount of cash to the new Season's Exchange Rate.

To set an example, let's say we have user A, user B and user C. User A has 2,000,000,000,000 F$D, user B 500,000,000,000 F$D and user C 5,000,000,000 F$D at the end of a Season, when the Exchange Rate is 1BC = 1,000,000,000 F$D. At the end of that Season and right before the beginning of the new Season, when the Exchange Rate will be 1BC = 500 F$D, these players will have:

  • A = 2,000,000,000,000 / 2,000,000 = 1,000,000 F$D
  • B = 500,000,000,000 / 2,000,000 = 250,000 F$D
  • C = 5,000,000,000 /2,000,000 = 2,500 F$D

This division helps maintain a players' financial power while keeping the game economy balanced and flexible.


Things that change with the beginning of every new Season:

Your Statistics: Every Season has its own Statistics (also its own winners, economy, Wonder etc); Statistics start fresh with the beginning of every new Season so that players can award the relevant amount of points to the ranks of the 'Everlasting Zuperness' category in the HOF. This category adds up a player's rankings obtained in previous Seasons, including the Total Keeps rank, Total Bids rank, Badge XP rank, Total Ability rank and the Works Completed rank. Should a player achieved 5,000 Total Bids in Season 1 and 2,000 Total Bids in Season 2 (while the Season is still running) the Total Bids rank in the Everlasting Zuperness category will demonstrate a total of 7,000 Bids.

Ranks: Apart from the "Reputation" rank that remains the same throughout all the Seasons of the game, all other ranks start fresh with the beginning of every new Season.

Achievements: A player's achievements are unique for each Season. Players can view their Achievements in each Season by visiting their Achievements' page and choosing the desired Season (upper right side on the Achievements' page).

Abilities: A player's Abilities start fresh with the beginning of every new Season; HOWEVER, all active and ONLY active users, according to their ability levels at the end of every Season receive 6 new Special Stuff as a reward for their progress.

Each Special Stuff holds approximately 30% of the total Abilities that players adapted in the previous Season; no active user starts the new Season with their Abilities at 0 and without having Special Stuff.

To set an example of what these 6 Special Stuff offer, let's suppose we have a user with all their Abilities trained to level 90. This means that the user has 450 Ability Units in total. Multiplied by 30%, the user will receive approximately 135 Ability Units for each one of their 6 new Special Stuff. Among those, 1 will be balanced, meaning, it will offer 27 Ability Units.

The Abilities Units in each one of the six Ability categories are as follows:

  • 1st: Pet=27, Broker=27, Employer=27, Employee=27, Energy=27

The remaining 5 special Stuff will offer:

  • 2nd : Pet=63, Broker=18, Employer=18, Employee=18, Energy=18
  • 3rd : Pet=18, Broker=63, Employer=18, Employee=18, Energy=18
  • 4th : Pet=18, Broker=18, Employer=63, Employee=18, Energy=18
  • 5th : Pet=18, Broker=18, Employer=18, Employee=63, Energy=18
  • 6th : Pet=18, Broker=18, Employer=18, Employee=18, Energy=63

Gifts: Gifts start fresh with the beginning of every new Season; all gift prices remain the same.

XP Levels: A player's Experience Level starts fresh with every new Season.

Exchange rate: With the beginning of every new Season, the Exchange Rate is adjusted to it's initial numbers, i.e. 1BC = 500 F$D.

Wonder Tips

There are certain things to keep in mind during every Season and Wonder:


Reputation rank and Blue Chips: A player's position in the Reputation rank and the amount of Blue Chips that they manage to collect during a Season become a valuable deposit and a strong lead for their performance in the next Season.

A player's finishing position in the Reputation rank depends greatly on their position in the Wonderful Progress rank and their position in the Overall Rank at the end of each Wonder; as these positions are defined within a very short period of time (when 1 player finishes the Wonder and all positions and points freeze), players need to consider the Reputation Rank as a portfolio that receives their collective efforts and progress in each one of the Wonders.

Blue Chips are given to all Wonder participants. Finishing a Wonder first is equally important to finishing 2nd, as the rewards are big for both positions. Finishing 10th instead of 20th is also important, as higher positions are rewarded with more Blue Chips and greater point-boosts for the Reputation Rank.


The ‘Short Time' Button: As mentioned above, all Wonders consist of 100 levels, and each level requires a certain amount of money and time in order to become completed. The ‘Short Time' button allows players to shorten the remaining time of a level by half, and then the remaining time by half and so on. Important: shortening the duration of a level costs 2 times more than the price of the level itself at that specific moment.

A player who might be leading a Wonder at a specific time/level is not necessarily the winner. Spending a lot of cash on the Short Time button in order to complete a Wonder first might result to a great loss of points, especially in important categories such as the Richest Rank, the Value Rank and the Bids Value Rank. Loosing points in these Ranks will inevitably cause a loss of points in the Overall Rank, which will finally provide even less points to the Reputation Rank at the end of a Wonder. The key is to keep a balance in all performances.

Wonderful Level Cost
Player 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 10th 20th 30th 40th 50th 70th 100th Player
Levels Levels
1 5.31 M4.67 M3.52 M2.38 M1.55 M257.52 K33.60 K10.00 K4.23 K2.17 K788.00270.00 1
2 5.41 M4.76 M3.59 M2.42 M1.58 M262.59 K34.26 K10.20 K4.31 K2.21 K804.00276.00 2
3 5.55 M4.88 M3.67 M2.48 M1.62 M269.13 K35.11 K10.45 K4.42 K2.26 K824.00283.00 3
4 5.72 M5.03 M3.79 M2.56 M1.67 M277.37 K36.18 K10.77 K4.55 K2.33 K849.00291.00 4
5 5.93 M5.21 M3.93 M2.65 M1.73 M287.57 K37.51 K11.17 K4.72 K2.42 K880.00302.00 5
6 6.18 M5.44 M4.10 M2.77 M1.81 M300.03 K39.14 K11.65 K4.92 K2.52 K918.00315.00 6
7 6.49 M5.71 M4.30 M2.91 M1.90 M315.09 K41.10 K12.24 K5.17 K2.65 K964.00331.00 7
8 6.86 M6.04 M4.55 M3.07 M2.00 M333.14 K43.46 K12.94 K5.47 K2.80 K1.02 K350.00 8
9 7.31 M6.42 M4.84 M3.27 M2.13 M354.59 K46.25 K13.77 K5.82 K2.98 K1.09 K372.00 9
10 7.83 M6.88 M5.19 M3.50 M2.28 M379.93 K49.56 K14.75 K6.23 K3.19 K1.17 K399.00 10
20 20.79 M18.28 M13.77 M9.30 M6.06 M1.01 M131.70 K39.20 K16.56 K8.48 K3.09 K1.06 K 20
30 69.29 M60.93 M45.90 M31.00 M20.20 M3.37 M438.96 K130.64 K55.17 K28.26 K10.31 K3.54 K 30
40 231.20 M203.29 M153.13 M103.43 M67.38 M11.23 M1.47 M435.89 K184.09 K94.29 K34.37 K11.79 K 40
50 740.24 M650.90 M490.29 M331.16 M215.73 M35.96 M4.69 M1.40 M589.42 K301.90 K110.05 K37.75 K 50
60 2.29 B2.01 B1.52 B1.03 B665.63 M110.94 M14.48 M4.31 M1.82 M931.51 K339.56 K116.48 K 60
70 6.86 B6.03 B4.55 B3.07 B2.00 B333.07 M43.45 M12.93 M5.47 M2.80 M1.02 M349.71 K 70
80 20.19 B17.76 B13.38 B9.04 B5.89 B980.65 M127.92 M38.07 M16.08 M8.24 M3.01 M1.03 M 80
90 58.62 B51.55 B38.83 B26.23 B17.09 B2.85 B371.38 M110.53 M46.68 M23.91 M8.72 M2.99 M 90
100 168.49 B148.16 B111.60 B75.38 B49.11 B8.19 B1.07 B317.67 M134.16 M68.72 M25.05 M8.60 M 100
Wonderful Level Cost And Duration
Player Cost in F$D for Starting The Level 1st Level Duration
15.31 M12:00:14
25.41 M12:00:56
35.55 M12:02:06
45.72 M12:03:44
55.93 M12:05:50
66.18 M12:08:24
76.49 M12:11:26
86.86 M12:14:56
97.31 M12:18:54
107.83 M12:23:20
118.44 M12:28:14
129.16 M12:33:36
139.99 M12:39:26
1410.96 M12:45:44
1512.09 M12:52:30
1613.38 M12:59:44
1714.87 M13:07:26
1816.59 M13:15:36
1918.55 M13:24:14
2020.79 M13:33:20
2123.35 M13:42:54
2226.27 M13:52:56
2329.60 M14:03:26
2433.38 M14:14:24
2537.67 M14:25:50
2642.53 M14:37:44
2748.04 M14:50:06
2854.28 M15:02:56
2961.33 M15:16:14
3069.29 M15:30:00
3178.28 M15:44:14
3288.41 M15:58:56
3399.83 M16:14:06
34112.68 M16:29:44
35127.15 M16:45:50
36143.42 M17:02:24
37161.71 M17:19:26
38182.25 M17:36:56
39205.31 M17:54:54
40231.20 M18:13:20
41260.23 M18:32:14
42292.77 M18:51:36
43329.24 M19:11:26
44370.10 M19:31:44
45415.85 M19:52:30
46467.06 M20:13:44
47524.36 M20:35:26
48588.45 M20:57:36
49660.12 M21:20:14
50740.24 M21:43:20
51829.77 M22:06:54
52929.79 M22:30:56
531.05 B22:55:26
541.17 B23:20:24
551.31 B23:45:50
561.47 B01D and 00:11:44
571.64 B01D and 00:38:06
581.83 B01D and 01:04:56
592.05 B01D and 01:32:14
602.29 B01D and 02:00:00
612.56 B01D and 02:28:14
622.86 B01D and 02:56:56
633.19 B01D and 03:26:06
643.56 B01D and 03:55:44
653.97 B01D and 04:25:50
664.43 B01D and 04:56:24
674.95 B01D and 05:27:26
685.52 B01D and 05:58:56
696.15 B01D and 06:30:54
706.86 B01D and 07:03:20
717.65 B01D and 07:36:14
728.53 B01D and 08:09:36
739.50 B01D and 08:43:26
7410.59 B01D and 09:17:44
7511.80 B01D and 09:52:30
7613.14 B01D and 10:27:44
7714.63 B01D and 11:03:26
7816.29 B01D and 11:39:36
7918.14 B01D and 12:16:14
8020.19 B01D and 12:53:20
8122.48 B01D and 13:30:54
8225.02 B01D and 14:08:56
8327.84 B01D and 14:47:26
8430.97 B01D and 15:26:24
8534.46 B01D and 16:05:50
8638.33 B01D and 16:45:44
8742.63 B01D and 17:26:06
8847.41 B01D and 18:06:56
8952.72 B01D and 18:48:14
9058.62 B01D and 19:30:00
9165.18 B01D and 20:12:14
9272.46 B01D and 20:54:56
9380.54 B01D and 21:38:06
9489.52 B01D and 22:21:44
9599.49 B01D and 23:05:50
96110.57 B01D and 23:50:24
97122.86 B02D and 00:35:26
98136.51 B02D and 01:20:56
99151.67 B02D and 02:06:54
100168.49 B02D and 02:53:20
101187.17 B02D and 03:40:14
102207.90 B02D and 04:27:36
103230.92 B02D and 05:15:26
104256.47 B02D and 06:03:44
105284.82 B02D and 06:52:30
106316.29 B02D and 07:41:44
107351.21 B02D and 08:31:26
108389.97 B02D and 09:21:36
109432.98 B02D and 10:12:14
110480.70 B02D and 11:03:20
111533.66 B02D and 11:54:54
112592.42 B02D and 12:46:56
113657.61 B02D and 13:39:26
114729.95 B02D and 14:32:24
115810.20 B02D and 15:25:50
116899.23 B02D and 16:19:44
117998.00 B02D and 17:14:06
1181.11 t02D and 18:08:56
1191.23 t02D and 19:04:14
1201.37 t02D and 20:00:00
1211.52 t02D and 20:56:14
1221.68 t02D and 21:52:56
1231.87 t02D and 22:50:06
1242.07 t02D and 23:47:44
1252.30 t03D and 00:45:50
1262.55 t03D and 01:44:24
1272.83 t03D and 02:43:26
1283.14 t03D and 03:42:56
1293.48 t03D and 04:42:54
1303.86 t03D and 05:43:20
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1367.18 t03D and 11:55:44
1377.96 t03D and 12:59:26
1388.83 t03D and 14:03:36
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15869.66 t04D and 13:04:56
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16194.90 t04D and 16:48:14
162105.20 t04D and 18:03:36
163116.62 t04D and 19:19:26
164129.27 t04D and 20:35:44
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167176.08 t05D and 00:27:26
168195.18 t05D and 01:45:36
169216.35 t05D and 03:04:14
170239.81 t05D and 04:23:20
171265.82 t05D and 05:42:54
172294.64 t05D and 07:02:56
173326.58 t05D and 08:23:26
174361.99 t05D and 09:44:24
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177492.91 t05D and 13:50:06
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183913.71 t05D and 22:14:06
1841.02 q05D and 23:39:44
1851.13 q06D and 01:05:50
1861.25 q06D and 02:32:24
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1881.53 q06D and 05:26:56
1891.70 q06D and 06:54:54
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1922.31 q06D and 11:21:36
1932.56 q06D and 12:51:26
1942.84 q06D and 14:21:44
1953.14 q06D and 15:52:30
1963.48 q06D and 17:23:44
1973.86 q06D and 18:55:26
1984.28 q06D and 20:27:36
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2005.25 q06D and 23:33:20
2015.82 q07D and 01:06:54
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2047.91 q07D and 05:50:24
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2069.72 q07D and 09:01:44
20710.77 q07D and 10:38:06
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21014.65 q07D and 15:30:00
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21627.13 q08D and 01:26:24
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22145.33 q08D and 09:56:14
22250.23 q08D and 11:39:36
22355.66 q08D and 13:23:26
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22675.73 q08D and 18:37:44
22783.92 q08D and 20:23:26
22892.99 q08D and 22:09:36
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230114.18 q09D and 01:43:20
231126.52 q09D and 03:30:54
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236211.36 q09D and 12:35:44
237234.20 q09D and 14:26:06
238259.52 q09D and 16:16:56
239287.56 q09D and 18:08:14
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241353.08 q09D and 21:52:14
242391.23 q09D and 23:44:56
243433.51 q10D and 01:38:06
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246589.79 q10D and 07:20:24
247653.52 q10D and 09:15:26
248724.14 q10D and 11:10:56
249802.39 q10D and 13:06:54
250889.10 q10D and 15:03:20
Sum9.12 Q974D and 00:19:10